How to complicate a public health message

If you take public transportation in Sweden, you have to wear a mask to keep from spreading Covid. Unless if it’s between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. or between 6 p.m. and 7.a.m. Or unless you have a reserved seat. Or unless you were born after 2004.   I believe that wins Sweden the prize for […]

How to complicate a public health message

17 thoughts on “How to complicate a public health message

  1. This was a great post that highlights all of the misinformation out there. But there were a few train wrecks you didn’t not include. It could be its own post about America. We were told that it was airborne and masks were needed, but we had higher echelon people telling us it was fake so a good chunk of people got it from it believing it to be a hoax. There was a story (don’t know how true) that someone was dying from covid and said that covid was fake). Or when we were told that there was a certain chemical that could treat it from Canada which is used to clean fish tanks. Or when we were told to drink bleach because bleach kills germs. Or when these echelons that said it wasn’t real all got together without masks and it became covid-central after a gathering (which everyone denied that was where they contracted covid, even though covid isn’t real). I guess it wasn’t so much a trainwreck as it was an almost deliberate attempt to kill the general population.

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  2. Hello from the UK
    Thank you for your post link. The whole point of this stupidity from Sweden (I assume it is genuine as I haven’t double checked) is to try and see how many people fall for the scam of Covid 19.
    It really should wake people up to the fact that it makes no sense, therefore something is seriously wrong with what we are told by MSM and governments. A.k.a. a complete load of bollux.
    Not that there isn’t a virus, just that it is the annual ‘flu dresser up as a ‘monster’.
    Covid 19 is the ‘flu, the internal toxicosis of the body, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water.
    As regards stupidity I wrote this last year. People may find it difficult to accept they have been ‘had’ as it were, but sadly it is true. I was ‘had’ myself until I started thinking critically last year at age 60 years.
    Here is a link if you are interested.
    Kind regards
    Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

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  3. I was convinced I was already following you 🤔 Yeah, here in France it was like that with cafés. We could sit and have coffee without a mask, while a waitress would lean over your table to serve the coffee. But once time came to pay for the coffee suddenly the mask had to go up, as if the same exact person wasn’t 15 cm from my face 10 minutes prior. I’m glad its simmered down. Utter madness…

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